Tuesday 4 October 2011

OVERLOAD 2011 - Sibiu

And then was Operation "Overload 2011" edition,took place in a former Communist military compound near Sibiu (Mirsa,for those of you in the knowing).

Very good terrain,however the vegetation growth made some infiltration missions quite "milsim",if I am allowed to say this.Nonetheless,by and large,a good game,a good weekend spent with my team into the bossom of wild nature.

Photographs here.

Lots of other links in this post here.Enjoy!


  1. salut, mai este valabil anuntul cu acumulatorii de KENWOOD TK-360G? da-mi te rog un mail daca ii mai ai. dj_sos_mix@yahoo.com
    Mersi, Doamne ajuta.

  2. Sry,man...acumulatorii sunt vanduti de ceva timp.Cauta pe Ebay,sunt ieftini si foarte buni.

    Numai bine de la Bacau!
