Tuesday 6 July 2010

Independence Day

At it again!Place:Balcescu derelict farms near Bacau.Phewww...I am rusted indeed,the game took the breath out of me.This is not good,mind you.Too many ciggies and too little gym.How the heck am I gonna sustain the rush at The Gathering in September coming?Hope I'll get in some shape til then.If not,that's it...gym 24/7.

It seems radios are useless ,at least they were pretty much useless this time.Without any form of strategy of locate/enter/sweep and destroy,the whole game quickly turned in some hide and seek game.I need to re-gain the knowledge I once had,now lost due to so many years.And try to keep up with the younger mates of the team.This is the most grueling task so far:breath!

If some of the newbies,me included obviously,would agree to meet 2-3 hours in a different day and try to get in shape,i.e. CQB tactics,that would be just awesome!Seeing the opposing team in action,I felt useless and like playing alone against them.This is not on,I am sure something can be done so we can score some good hits.For instance,I haven't "killed"a single one of my "enemies".And I got mowed down e v e r y f u c k i n g time!!!This is so annoying,but it's entirely my fault!They were good,I was not.Is that simple!

Gun behaved pretty well this time.However,some new batteries are needed badly!

This is pretty much it.No worries,I'll get there.

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